The Week Ahead (9-13 April 2018)

In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real. 
10 April 2018
The Gender Equality programme will join the legal working group of the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition, to discuss ongoing and upcoming litigation to protect women's sexual and reproductive health rights.
11 April 2018
The Gender Equality Programme will meet with our partners in the Shukumisa Law and Policy group, to discuss the draft regulations for sexual offences courts, and the Integrated Plan of Action on Violence Against Women and Children being consulted on in each province by the Department of Social Development.
The head of our Refugee and Migrant Programme, Sharon Ekambaram will be  attending the CORMSA Exco meeting.
12 April 2018 
LHR staff and  CoRMSA members will be meeting in the afternoon at the Civil Society Coordinating Collective. 
For the more details on all our activities visit our twitter page (@LHR_SA) and our Facebook page (Lawyers for Human Rights)